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by James Wilson

Winstrol, also known by the brand name Stanozolol, is an anabolic steroid that aids in the development and maintenance of lean muscle mass. Originally, Winstrol was used to treat a variety of medical disorders, the most common of which was hereditary angioedema. It has previously done miracles in the treatment of persons suffering from Hereditary Angioedema (HA). Currently, Winstrol is used in bulk by bodybuilders for muscle growth while also allowing them to regain muscle that has been lost due to injury.

What is Winstrol ?

Winstrol is a man made, anabolic steroid. The specility of this medication is the ability to act and enact the naturally occurring steroid that is testosterone. Stanzolol is the base ingredient found in Winstrol. Stanzolol helps in increasing red blood cells and helps to get rid of Hereditary angioedema at the same time. Angioedema is a type of allergic reaction in which fluid accumulates in the body, causing swelling. Angioedema affects tissue regions, most notably the neck and face, as well as the genitals and extremities. One can still opt for Winstrol to reduce the effects of Angioedema. 

Winstrol for bodybuilder have become the go-to option as it majorly helps in gaining the lost and storing new muscles very easily than any other medications available in the market. The elimination of excess water from the body is done quite siwfly with Winstrol by giving you back a toned and bulky physique at the same time.

Advantages of Winstrol

People from almost all sports may profit from Winstrol pills in some way. Winstrol tablets perform well for people who need to lose weight while also providing athletes with endurance and strength. One of the main reasons why Winstrol pills are so in use today because  almost everyone may profit from them.

The major benefits that one can derive from the usage of Winstrol tablets include a notable  increase in strength and qualitative muscle development. All this  allows you to train harder physically, which leads to more muscle gain. It aids in the healing of cellular tissue damage. Winstrol tablets increase metabolism, which aids in fat loss. It also aids in the maintenance of healthy bones.

Winstrol pills effectively increases the size of the muscle. It aids in the improvement of cognitive functioning. It also increases the speed and energy. It aids in the removal of accumulated surplus bodily fluids. It helps you look slender without making your physique look heavy.  It is an all in one pill.  This well-known steroid tones your entire system. Because they may be easily stacked, Winstrol pills are beneficial and handy for both sportsmen and bodybuilders. Winstrol can provide qualitative results when used properly during a 4 to 6 week cycle.

How does Winstrol Work

Winstrol (Stanzolol) is perfomance enhancing anabolic steroid. Despite having a low affinity for binding the androgen receptor (AR), stanozolol strongly activates AR-mediated signalling, stimulating both protein synthesis and erythropoietin production. Stanozolol may increase fat loss while maintaining lean body mass, as well as encourage haemoglobin synthesis and red blood cell development; hence, it may be used to treat wasting illnesses or anaemia. Winstrol is available in two forms that is pill and injectable. 

Dosage for Winstrol

Always let your doctor decide the right dosage for you, as he knows the best. Do not self medicate or take medication in the same dose as others. The dosage of Winstrol is decided on the basis of a person’s physiological and psychological conditions. Winstrol comes in various dosage strength, one should opt for the best suited dosage strength for them. Take Winstrol with or without food the choice lies on you, with a glass of water. Be consistent with using this medication, it is important to take this medication on a daily basis for it to work. Incase you miss a dosage of winstrol, do not make up for it by taking it twice at the same time of other dosage. Follow the instructions of your doctor to stay safe and away from any danger. Click to find all the Winstrol Dosages.

Available Dosages are as below;

Winstrol 50 mg

Winstrol 50 mg ml Injection

Winstrol 10 mg

Side Effects of Winstrol

The side effects of Winstrol are normal and not severe which usually subsides on their own without any difficulty. A lot of people use Winstrol so the safety of the medication is unquestionable. If you are ready for the extraordinary benefits prepare yourself for some side effects too that are nothing but minimal.

Common side effects of Winstrol Tablets:

• Prone to acne skin

• Lack of sleep

• Migraine

• Changes in libido

• Swelling of the legs or arms (mostly ankle)

• Swelling of throat, tongue or face

Lesser-known serious side effects of Winstrol Tablets:

• Prolonged erections

• Breast swelling or enlargement (in male patients);

• Deepening of voice

• loss of hair

• Facial hair development,

• Clitoral augmentation or menstrual irregularities (in female patients).

Incase of an emergency always contact the nearest doctor for help. Do not overdose on winstrol, as it might cause withdrawal symptoms.

How Long does It Take for Winstrol to Provide Noticeable Results?

This moderate anabolic steroid is well-known for its ability to help people lose stubborn fat without causing side effects. It is utilised by bodybuilders to aid in the loss of fat while maintaining the preservation of lean muscle. Many people see effects within a week, despite the fact that outcomes might vary from person to person and can take up to one week.

Storage Guidelines

Winstrol Tablets should be stored in a cool, dry, and clean place at all times. Due to the fact that high heat can affect and impact the chemical content of this drug, it must be stored away from direct sunlight. Room temperature, in a dark and cold environment, is required for proper storage. Winstrol Tablets should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and moisture.

Interactions of Winstrol

Interactions means mixing two things together that doesnt work well with each other. While winstrol one should be cautious and vary of all the drugs thatt should’nt be taken while taking winstrol. Always inform your doctor prior if you are taking or willing to take any medication with Winstrol. Interactions are usually dangerous and fatal. 

Some of the drugs that might interact with Winstrol are-

  • albuterol
  • Ambien 
  • amlodipine
  • anastrozole
  • Arimidex 
  • Armour Thyroid 
  • Adderall (amphetamine / dextroamphetamine)
  • atorvastatin
  • bisoprolol
  • Cialis (tadalafil)
  • Clomid (clomiphene)
  • Crestor (rosuvastatin)
  • doxycycline
  • finasteride
  • levothyroxine
  • losartan
  • Nolvadex (tamoxifen)
  • oxandrolone
  • prednisone
  • testosterone

Diseases that Winstrol might interact with-

  • carcinoma (male)
  • fluid retention
  • hypercalcemia in breast cancer
  • hyperlipoproteinemia
  • liver disease
  • polycythemia
  • suppression of clotting factors
  • diabetes
  • hypercalcemia
  • thyroid function tests


  • Keep children away from the use of this medication
  • Inform your doctor or pharmacist about your medical history before beginning Winstrol Tablets.
  • Seek quick medical attention if any acute symptoms are found.
  • This medication is not recommended for pregnant women
  • Comsumption of liquor should be avoided at all costs
  • When minor virilism is identified, medication therapy must be discontinued or the dosage significantly lowered to prevent permanent alteration.
  • Let your doctor know about your medical history 
  • It is also critical that you are not allergic to any of the components included in Winstrol Tablets.
  • Do not overdose
  • Never take a dose higher than what is prescribed to you
  • Recreational activities with this drug is not engouraged


If you are planning to take Winstrol, the above information should be suffice to clear your doubts. Although, always talk to your doctor before taking Winstrol. Winstrol is 100% safe and FDA approved and is also used by many professional trainers. Winstrol can cater to all your demands and make your body look toned and much attractive than before, if you use and consume it in the right way. Winstrol will show the result in a week or two. Do not expect it to do the magic if you are not consistent with it, its definitely worth the wait if you are consistent. You can buy Winstrol tablets (Stanozolol) at low price in USA, UK & Australia.


->What are the commonly seen side effects of Winstrol for women?

Increase in acne, hoarsness, facial hair, changes in menstruation are some of the commonly reported side effects in women

->How long should you cycle Winstrol before stopping?

The duration of a winstrol cycle might range from six weeks to twelve weeks in most cases. Even skilled bodybuilders, on the other hand, seldom use the steroid for more than 12 weeks at a time. Winstrol doses are prescribed on a weekly basis. For beginners, the recommended dosage is around Winstrol 10 mg or increase it upto Winstrol 50 mg according to doctor’s or healthcare professional’s suggestions.

->Why is Winstrol not advised for women during pregnancy?

Winstrol  has the capability of causing birth defects in feotus if used in pregnant women. It is still not known if Winstrol is excreted in a woman’s milk.

->What effects does Winstrol have on your body?

Winstrol is the best choice for bodybuilders looking to boost endurance. Bodybuilders who use Winstrol will see an increase in the creation of red blood cells in their bodies. This increased generation of red blood cells provides more oxygen to the body, especially the muscles.

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